Monday, December 31, 2007

My Share..

Yesterday was holiday time right? :-) I spent my time with my wife watching BEE Movie-DVD.. I borrow from my friend.. The story if we see in other way, beside the funny of story.. See the bee dint start his work. He been bore even do he not yet start working as take honey process.. :-) What i want to share with all of u is.. If we want to produce extra money, we need to do other work.. If we make the routine work we will not provide extra money.. Understand what i mean?!! So, what i want to share with all is, we all in I.T technology if we done use it right now we will not get any extra money.. So, what make we still in other way?!!
1) Worry because don't know what to do & start.. Right?!!
2) Worried to spend more money if done new work.. But, u no need to spent money.. Just start just like me.. Use the if we done want to spane money.. Share with friend what we like and we know..