Thursday, March 26, 2009

Make Money With TWITTER

Assalamualaikum and HI...

Right now people really carzy about twittering.. So am i.. Huh! How ever, not only that, we can make money with twitter if we can make a offer to people want to redesign their background of twit.

That's was the simple way we can make money.. If we had a skill of Adobe Photoshop we can make it for simple..

We can make an simple offer to their msg.. What make we a so special, give a sample of background twit to them.

Then we can make a deal with them which design and decoration they like.. FOr more, twitter not only just for new social media to share update with our friend list.

We can make with twitter not only our job listing, but we can make new friend with the twitter.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Poster Journey Of Internet Marketier.

Assalamualaikum and Hi to all..

How about your journey to make money online? How can get more better then last year..

Here the poster u can use o make your self rest for a while from IM..

Credit :- DigitalHeretix

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Make Money Without Own Prodcut

Assalamualaim and Hi...

How did we can make money online without any product.. Yergh!! Their are some others thing we can use our creativity or our skill to make money without any product..

Some of simple way we can make money is being a freelance writer. Yes! Their are many place we make money just being a writer...

Here some simple video for u to use to being a writer..

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Make Money Online | 2 step make RM 100 a day

Assalamualaikum and Hi to all.

I'm really busy lately because I had to manage all my offline work. How ever, for those really want to get fresh info can go to my blog in Malay at

I tried to updated this blog at least a week with one post. Really had busy time to finalize my job and need some space to spend to make money online.

How ever I will share simple way to make RM 100 in a month. Really want to know about it..?

What ever u want to make money u need to start thinking of money.. $$$$$ Kching..Kching..

Here the simple way u can get extra money without spend a money.. Here the link u can start making money.. Blogger Pay Check..

With this item sharing, just sign up the affiliate program held by the admin. Sign Up it for FREE.. Then, what's the job u need to do.

1st step :-

Sharing with friend of the item you had join. Talk to them the best of product u had found from Internet.

2nd Step :-

Share it with people surrounding u, then tell them what can the product can give the benefit.

Totally it's all about make a advertise. Even u put at somebody blog where related with their niche. So, make sure the niches of place u want to put advertise make its more reliable and can give back u'r money back faster and sooner.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Don't know what to write in blog.

Assalamualaikum and Hi to all readers...

For sure many from us really blur about to start writing in a month a years to share with others..

Some how, we will had some

There is no doubt that blogs are the thing today in the online world. Wherever you surf, blogs are sprouting everywhere like mushrooms, whether they’re used for personal or business purposes.

But for starters, what is a blog anyway? It is a diary
where you can post your thoughts or feelings or what not, except that it is online and the public can read it. But enough of that.

Gone were the days when they were used solely for personal
reasons. On the business side, they can be a very useful tool to boost your business, and to keep your customers updated on the products and info's you have.

But if you're still struggling to
catch up on the latest thing these days and you think you're not much of a great writer either, let me give you some useful subjects you can write about to give your customers a lot of reasons to keep coming back to your site.

p/s: Want to know how to handle Failure? CLICK HERE

Monday, January 5, 2009

Journey In 2009. What we do make our life more great

Assalamualaikum and Hi to all...

It's was a new journey for us in this years of 2009. It's many way we can make money using internet.
Even do, what has we done to get more money using the benefit we had with internet???

Did we really had make any change and done the best in our life? Here some tips to share with all my fellow member really want to make 2009 their turning point in life...

HTML clipboard

"What do we have to do to become better?" Philips has actually created an entire internal learning organization, which keeps asking that question of itself as a company.

How many of us ask ourselves “What do I do to become better?” in our own lives, personal or professional. Look at your company, do they ask what it is that they can do better? Or if you are a manager, how often do you stop to reassess what it is you can do better? Or how you can help your staff to do better? What does it take to be the best?

Being the best takes:

1.Self Assessment

2.Group Assessment

3.Utter Honesty

4.Ability to Handle Criticism Appropriately

5.Perpetual Search for Growth

These steps work for anyone in any aspect of life, be it personal, family, spiritual, physical, or business. Since this is a Sales Newsletter – let’s focus on business life.

Self Assessment

Take a look at where you are in your career.

Good Questions to Ask Your Self:
·Am I where I want to be?
·Where do I need to grow?
·The one thing I would change about my work is...

Now you have some areas you might change. Take for example, one of my clients who made this common statement, “I want to grow my earnings.”

You’ve heard the statement, “Think outside the box.” That’s what I want you to do next. Whatever your issue, don’t think along conventional lines.

So take increasing your earnings and think outside the normal and use brainstorming techniques, which means no criticizing ideas at this point (see archive articles Brainstorming).

Some ideas on increasing earnings for a commissionable position may include:

·Self-Marketing and Networking – How can I increase my customer base? In turn will increase my revenue.

·Treating my job as self-employment – Since sales is commission based the more sales I make the more earnings I acquire. Maybe I could hire an assistant to help me accomplish more in a day. Maybe I could develop an email marketing campaign and drive sales directly to me. Or maybe I could…

Group Assessment

Assess your group means: analyze whom you group yourself with: ·Which company do you choose to work for
·What type of sales team you have
·Who you hang around

Those directly around us affect our beliefs about ourselves and motivate us to greatness or hold us back. Do your surrounding entities have the qualities you strive for? If not, why are you choosing this group or organization?

Making your company better and your group better will only make you better in the long run.

The truth is when your parents said, “You are who you hang around” they were giving you excellent advice.

Utter Honesty

It takes a strong self-esteem to handle self-honesty as well as honesty from others.

I recommend asking trusted allies to assess your strengths and weaknesses. If you have trouble taking in advice, I highly recommend reading some self-help books on self-esteem. My personal favorite is Pia Mellody’s Facing Codependence (the title is quite deceiving).

It takes vulnerability to be open to learn and grow. And as crazy as it may sound, vulnerability actually takes strength of character.

Ability to Handle Criticism

Take it in stride. Criticism can be a tool of growth. ”How?” you ask. By using the FLACK method.

1.Forget who is doing the criticizing
2.Listen to what is being said
3.Assess what is true and what is not (Sometimes it is more about the person doing the criticizing, but see if you find any truth about the criticism in your heart)
4.Change the negative behavior
5.Know that you will have to fight the old negative behavior for a long time before the new behavior is easy habit

Fight criticism with FLACK!

Perpetual Search for Growth

A perpetual search for growth is absolutely necessary to BEING THE BEST. When searching ask yourself, “What do I need to do to make myself better?” “What do I need to do to make my company better?” “What do I need to do to make the world better?”

Use a journal to track your growth. Write in it at least once per week. Write about where you want to go – plot your course and you’ll get there. Then review your journal monthly to see how far you’ve come. I make this guarantee…you will be surprised!

Keep searching and growing.

“If you don't keep moving forward, the world will. Stand still for a moment and the world will continue to pass you by. For to truly move ahead of the pack, your pace must be twice as fast.”